The FORTRAN-90/95 Project

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Here are some links to online docs:

  1. Fortran 90/95 reference
  2. GFortran reference
  3. Fortran 90/95 reference

Example One: looping, strings, and time/date

Sample run to example1.f90 ...

$ ./example1

Hello World!

     Count       Var x      sin(x)      cos(x)      tan(x)
         1       0.020       0.020       1.000       0.020
         2       0.040       0.040       0.999       0.040
         3       0.060       0.060       0.998       0.060
         4       0.080       0.080       0.997       0.080
         5       0.100       0.100       0.995       0.100
         6       0.120       0.120       0.993       0.121
         7       0.140       0.140       0.990       0.141
         8       0.160       0.159       0.987       0.161
         9       0.180       0.179       0.984       0.182
        10       0.200       0.199       0.980       0.203
        11       0.220       0.218       0.976       0.224
        12       0.240       0.238       0.971       0.245
        13       0.260       0.257       0.966       0.266
        14       0.280       0.276       0.961       0.288
        15       0.300       0.296       0.955       0.309
        16       0.320       0.315       0.949       0.331
        17       0.340       0.333       0.943       0.354
        18       0.360       0.352       0.936       0.376
        19       0.380       0.371       0.929       0.399
        20       0.400       0.389       0.921       0.423

Date: 20230820  Time: 054558.357  Zone: -0400

Program was started on Sun Aug 20 05:45:58 2023


Source code to example1.f90 ...

! program: demo a hello world example
!  $Id: example_1.f95,v 0.3 2023/08/20 09:51:04 kc4zvw Exp kc4zvw $
! vim: nowrap: tabstop=3:

program greetings
   implicit none

   character(len=10):: time
   character(len=20):: str, blank0
   character(len=30) :: date_str
   character(len=5):: zone
   character(len=8):: date
   integer(8) :: j
   integer, dimension(8):: values
   integer:: i, step = 1, total = 20
   real:: x, sin_x, cos_x, tan_x

   str = trim("Hello World!")
   blank0 = trim(" ")

   print *, blank0
   print 100, str
   print *

   print 200, "Count", "Var x", "sin(x)", "cos(x)", "tan(x)"

   do i = 1, total, step
      x = float(i) / 50.0
      sin_x = sin(x)
      cos_x = cos(x)
      tan_x = tan(x)
      print 300, i, x, sin_x, cos_x, tan_x

   ! using keyword arguments
   call date_and_time(date, time, zone, values)

   print *
   print 400, date, time, zone

   ! Do something, print a formatted date
   j = time8()
   call ctime(j, date_str)

   print *
   print 600, date_str
   print *
   print 700

100  format(A20)
200  format(A10,A12,A12,A12,A12)
300  format(I10,4F12.3)
400  format('Date: ',A,2X,'Time: ',A,2X,'Zone: ',A)
500  format(8I5)
600  format('Program was started on ', A)
700  format('Finished.')

end program greetings

! %%%%% End of File %%%%%

Header 3

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The 'HeapSort' Algorithm

Sample run to heapsort.f90 ...

A program to heapsort an array of real numbers.

Unsorted array:

     0.358408     0.599746     0.329966     0.207517     0.703741
     0.582223     0.985021     0.626306     0.911676     0.233120
     0.227876     0.379826     0.954987     0.942881     0.339799
     0.000142     0.918284     0.683852     0.382026     0.134266
     0.665749     0.622566     0.116516     0.745471     0.884241
     0.530282     0.004936     0.357033     0.142322     0.601230
     0.307378     0.602164     0.596452     0.788840     0.712550
     0.068321     0.394793     0.144145     0.904997     0.551590
     0.086836     0.598405     0.819727     0.836621     0.379922
     0.772235     0.556733     0.153416     0.664931     0.540930

Sorted array:

     0.000142     0.004936     0.068321     0.086836     0.116516
     0.134266     0.142322     0.144145     0.153416     0.207517
     0.227876     0.233120     0.307378     0.329966     0.339799
     0.357033     0.358408     0.379826     0.379922     0.382026
     0.394793     0.530282     0.540930     0.551590     0.556733
     0.582223     0.596452     0.598405     0.599746     0.601230
     0.602164     0.622566     0.626306     0.664931     0.665749
     0.683852     0.703741     0.712550     0.745471     0.772235
     0.788840     0.819727     0.836621     0.884241     0.904997
     0.911676     0.918284     0.942881     0.954987     0.985021

End of program.


Source code to heapsort.f90

C   *************************************************************************
C   ***
C   ***    Author: David Billsbrough
C   ***   Created: Monday, August 21, 2023 at 12:18:44 PM (EDT)
C   ***   License: GNU General Public License -- version 2
C   ***   Version: $Revision: $
C   ***  Warranty: None
C   ***   Purpose: An example of the heapsort algorithm in FORTRAN-90
C   ***
C   *************************************************************************

! $Id: heapsort.f90,v 0.3 2023/03/10 14:15:38 kc4zvw Exp kc4zvw $

program Heapsort_Demo

    implicit none

    integer, parameter:: num = 50
    real:: array(num)
    character(len = 60):: title_str, footer
    character(len = 30):: header1, header2

    call random_seed
    call random_number(array)

    title_str = trim("A program to heapsort an array of real numbers.")
    header1 = trim("Unsorted array:")
    header2 = trim("Sorted array:")
    footer = trim("End of program.")

    print *
    print 100, title_str
    print *
    print 200, header1
    call display_numbers(array)
    call heapsort(array)
    print 200, header2
    call display_numbers(array)
    print 100, footer

100  format(A60)
200  format(A30/)


subroutine heapsort(a)

    real, intent(in out):: a(0:)
    integer:: start, n, bottom
    real:: temp

    n = size(a)
    do start = (n - 2) / 2, 0, -1
        call siftdown(a, start, n);
    end do
    do bottom = n - 1, 1, -1
        temp = a(0)
        a(0) = a(bottom)
        a(bottom) = temp;
        call siftdown(a, 0, bottom)
    end do

end subroutine heapsort

subroutine siftdown(a, start, bottom)
    real, intent(in out):: a(0:)
    integer, intent(in):: start, bottom
    integer:: child, root
    real:: temp

    root = start
    do while (root * 2 + 1 < bottom)
        child = root * 2 + 1

        if (child + 1 < bottom) then
            if (a(child) < a(child + 1)) child = child + 1
        end if
        if (a(root) < a(child)) then
            temp = a(child)
            a(child) = a(root)
            a(root) = temp
            root = child
        end if  
    end do      
end subroutine siftdown

subroutine display_numbers(a)

    real, intent(in out) :: a(0:)
    integer :: start, n
    n = size(a)
    do start = 0, n - 1, 1
        write(*, 100, advance='no') a(start)
        if (mod(start, 5) == 4) write(*,*)
    end do

100  format(' ', F12.6)

end subroutine display_numbers

end program Heapsort_Demo

! ***** End of File *****


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Revised: Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 08:25:29 AM (EDT)