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~kc4zvw: cat sample.ob7
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~kc4zvw/Demo/src: cat for1.mod (* example of a for loop *) MODULE for1; IMPORT Out; VAR i : LONGINT; BEGIN FOR i:=1 TO 9 DO Out.LongInt(i,2); END(* FOR *); Out.String(' end'); Out.Ln; END for1. (* EOF *)
The output ...
~kc4zvw/Demo/src: bin/for1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 end
A simple example of variable assignments, calculations and display of variables
~kc4zvw/Demo/src: cat mile.mod MODULE mile; IMPORT Out; VAR mi, qmi, cm, in, ft, yd, m : REAL; BEGIN cm := 1.0; m := 100 * cm; in := 2.54 * cm; ft := 12 * in; yd := 3 * ft; mi := 5280 * ft; qmi := mi / 4.0; Out.String('A quarter mile is:'); Out.Ln; Out.RealEng(qmi/m, 20, 6); Out.String(' meters'); Out.Ln; Out.RealEng(qmi/yd, 20, 6); Out.String(' yards'); Out.Ln; END mile.
The output ...
~kc4zvw/Demo/src: ./bin/mile A quarter mile is: 402.336 meters 440.000 yards
The source code for sample003.mod
(* An example of the Shell sort *) (* $Id: sample003.mod,v 0.22 2024/03/07 18:36:03 kc4zvw Exp kc4zvw $ *) MODULE sample003; IMPORT Out, RandomNumbers := ethRandomNumbers; CONST MaxN = 50; TYPE Item = LONGINT; array1 = ARRAY MaxN OF Item; VAR a : array1; (* Generate a set of random numbers --- 0 .. n-1 *) PROCEDURE GenerateNum(n: LONGINT): LONGINT; VAR choice: LONGINT; BEGIN choice := ENTIER(n * RandomNumbers.Uniform()); RETURN choice; END GenerateNum; PROCEDURE ReadNumbers; VAR i : INTEGER; x, num, range : LONGINT; BEGIN RandomNumbers.InitSeed(300); Out.String("Input: "); Out.Ln; Out.String(" adding ... "); range := 5000; FOR i := 1 TO MaxN DO num := GenerateNum(range); Out.Int(num, 5); a[i] := num; END; Out.Ln; END ReadNumbers; PROCEDURE DisplayNumbers(a : array1); VAR i, width : INTEGER; num : LONGINT; BEGIN width := -1; Out.Ln; Out.String("Output: "); Out.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO MaxN - 1 DO num := (a[i]); width := width + 1; IF width MOD 20 = 0 THEN Out.Ln END; Out.Int(num, 5); END; Out.Ln; END DisplayNumbers; PROCEDURE ShellSort; (* ADenS2_Sorts *) CONST T = 4; VAR i, j, k, m, s: INTEGER; n: INTEGER; x: Item; h: ARRAY T OF INTEGER; BEGIN n := MaxN; Out.Ln; Out.String("Sorting ... "); h[0] := 9; h[1] := 5; h[2] := 3; h[3] := 1; FOR m := 0 TO T-1 DO k := h[m]; FOR i := k TO n-1 DO x := a[i]; j := i-k; WHILE (j >= k) & (x < a[j]) DO a[j+k] := a[j]; j := j-k END; IF (j >= k) OR (x <= a[j]) THEN a[j+k] := x ELSE a[j+k] := a[j]; a[j] := x END END END; Out.String("Done."); Out.Ln; END ShellSort; BEGIN Out.String("Sorting numbers with a Shell sort"); Out.Ln; Out.Ln; ReadNumbers(); DisplayNumbers(a); ShellSort(); DisplayNumbers(a); Out.Ln; Out.String("Finished."); Out.Ln; END sample003. (* $Log: sample003.mod,v $ * Revision 0.22 2024/03/07 18:36:03 kc4zvw * Added more comments and printed output * *) (* End of File *)
The output of the program : sample003.mod ...
~kc4zvw/Oberon: ./sample003 Sorting numbers with a Shell sort Input: adding ... 11 2306 3407 2975 4150 3438 566 3297 3944 2039 253 4124 1448 1858 192 4550 1724 1547 123 263 1228 159 3464 654 4250 393 2947 878 3999 1785 481 3297 3679 1196 4122 2351 3957 4615 1556 3008 558 3825 3990 33 2277 4028 2452 2060 4064 4617 Output: 11 2306 3407 2975 4150 3438 566 3297 3944 2039 253 4124 1448 1858 192 4550 1724 1547 123 263 1228 159 3464 654 4250 393 2947 878 3999 1785 481 3297 3679 1196 4122 2351 3957 4615 1556 3008 558 3825 3990 33 2277 4028 2452 2060 4064 Sorting ... Done. Output: 11 33 123 159 192 253 263 393 481 558 566 654 878 1196 1228 1448 1547 1556 1724 1785 1858 2039 2060 2277 2306 2351 2452 2947 2975 3008 3297 3297 3407 3438 3464 3679 3825 3944 3957 3990 3999 4028 4064 4122 4124 4150 4250 4550 4615 Finished.
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