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# EOF #
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#| heapsort |# #lang scheme ; swap two elements of a vector (define (swap! v i j) (define temp (vector-ref v i)) (vector-set! v i (vector-ref v j)) (vector-set! v j temp)) ; sift element at node start into place (define (sift-down! v start end) (let ((child (+ (* start 2) 1))) (cond ((> child end) 'done) ; start has no children (else (begin ; if child has a sibling node whose value is greater ... (and (and (<= (+ child 1) end) (< (vector-ref v child) (vector-ref v (+ child 1)))) ; ... then we'll look at the sibling instead (set! child (+ child 1))) (if (< (vector-ref v start) (vector-ref v child)) (begin (swap! v start child) (sift-down! v child end)) 'done)))))) ; transform v into a binary max-heap (define (heapify v) (define (iter v start) (if (>= start 0) (begin (sift-down! v start (- (vector-length v) 1)) (iter v (- start 1))) 'done)) ; start sifting with final parent node of v (iter v (quotient (- (vector-length v) 2) 2))) (define (heapsort v) ; swap root and end node values, ; sift the first element into place ; and recurse with new root and next-to-end node (define (iter v end) (if (zero? end) 'done (begin (swap! v 0 end) (sift-down! v 0 (- end 1)) (iter v (- end 1))))) (begin (heapify v) ; start swapping with root and final node (iter v (- (vector-length v) 1)))) ; testing (define uriah (list->vector '(3 5 7 9 0 8 1 4 2 6))) (heapsort uriah) uriah #| EOF |#
Run Output ...
kc4zvw@www: ./heapsort An example of the 'heapsort' sorting algorithm The array is [12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7] The length of the array is: 6 The array is [5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13] Finished. kc4zvw@www:
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